Friday 11 October 2013

A trip down bloomingdale lane

A recent argument I had with some male workmates triggered this post. The argument went a little something like this…. Men are more virile (in bed) in the 20’s and during their midlife crisis phase as compared to women who are late bloomers and enjoy sex in their thirties!

BOLLOCKS!!!!!!!!! I shouted from the highest mountain and made sure I had the final say (it’s a capricon thing, I’ll blame it on the stars!) however when I got home and began to think about it more, it actually made perfect sense.

Boys in their teens and early twenties will hump anything within 2km radius like literally! They will push volumes and go a step further and make it seem like an understatement. They however begin to reason more with their brain than their neither region and calm down.

On the other hand the female counterpart is being drilled from every corner about being virtuoes and upholding values so if she does, she will tread cautiously and will not seek to explore her sexuality fully. This is immensely catapulted by the fact that she is stuck in this whirlwind that her body has many imperfections; her boobs are too small, she’s not thin enough, she’s not light enough, the list is endless. However when she finally realizes this is all a fallacy she then sets out on this quest to make up for all the lost time. She is no longer the giver she is the receiver and she will demand it! She will not hesitate to move on and make sure her needs are met because ‘she loves the skin she is in’ and ‘knows her worth’

The man at this stage is now trying to make money, looking for a wife and family, trying to build and leave a legacy. Total mismatch! Then something happens to the man, his train veers off the rails at such exponential speed and right into the wilderness all one can do is stare with your mouth wide open. He is like an ostrich that had buried its head in the ground for so long protecting himself from the unknown, the future. When he finally gets the YOLO epiphany he’s like a dog in heat, a wild cat that now has the means and resources to pay his way through anything.

Anyway this is my two cents on the issue….lol

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